15 thoughts on “God Speed, Mr. Bond

  1. Yes Phil, you’re right about him as an actor, especially as Bond. In real life as a politician, he was rabidly anti-gun and a statist thug. The real bastard had no honour, using the Dunblane schoolchildrens’ murders to further his politics. A blood dancer, piss on him.


  2. I’m a huge fan of the James Bond movies. All of the Bond’s had their charms
    but one: Casting Remmington Steele as Bond was like hiring Pee Wee
    Herman as the Terminator. He was way too cartoonish! I bought every one
    (including the first James Bond Barry Nelson) in the original Casino Royalle
    on DVD with the exception of the Brosnan shit.

    When I learned that Bogside had an Emma Peel Megapack several months
    Ago I bought one. She really was the only one! She also played Mrs. James
    Bond in one film. Screw the aches, pains, and disabilities, the worst thing
    about getting old is seeing all your favorite movie and music icons croak!


  3. He may be known best as the definitive James Bond 007, but I don’t care what anyone says. I still love his film “Zardoz”……….


  4. taminator, I thought the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver was the better star! The film’s director seemed fixated on having the revolver readied by Connery racking the action by grasping the barrel, instead of just thumbing back the hammer spur. Always wanted one of their 8-shot .38 ACP calibre models.


    • You just may be right about that. Since I have been on quite a tear lately buying handguns (6 in the last two months) I just may have to get me one of those…….


  5. Damned straight he is the “Only” James Bond.

    All the others were imitators and candy asses. (At least Daniel Craig looked like a real Man).

    He will be missed.


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